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文档介绍:Teaching Plan
Speaking & Writing
By Shi Yi(No。1 Middle School of Kaiyang)
1. Teaching aims
1) Knowledge goals
By th an email. Guess who sent me the message?
Ss: Your boyfriend? / Your cousin .。。
T: My teacher from university, Pete. How do you keep in touch with your family, friends and so on?
S1: By using short message.
S2: By talking on the QQ.
S3: By talking on the phone.。。
Step 2: Speaking
Talk about the changes of the house, transportation and eating from past to now.
T: OK! Great! How about in the future? Do we still need phones to talk?
S1: Maybe we can read minds..。
T:Sounds interesting。 OK! Look at the white board。 I’ll show you the changes of the house, transportation and eating from past to now。
Question: Imaging things in the future. What will the house, transportation and eating be like in the future?
Ask students to imagine things in the future. Talk about what the house, transportation and eating will be like in the future。 Get them to discuss in a group of 6 in five minutes. Using the white board to provide with the phrases and sentence structures they may use in discussion. While they are discussing, provide necessary help。
Ask several students to share their ideas with the class. Give proper remarks。 Students’ ideas:
House: The house is changeable. In the morning, it will be the office while a house at night when set up a


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