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reagent 反应力反应物
2. element 元素成分[例] Water is made of two element: oxygen and hydrogen.
3. compound 化合物
4. molecule 分子摩尔
5. electron 电子
6. isotope 同位素核素
7. polymer 聚合体
8. alloy 合金
9. metal 金属
10. metalloid 非金属
11. derivative 衍生物
12. alkali 碱金属
13. hydrate 水合物
14. action 作用[例] Catalysis are sometimes used to accelerate chemical action.
15. adhesive 粘合剂胶粘的
16. alchemy 炼金术
17. biochemistry 生物化学
18. bleach 去色漂白[例] Please soak shirts in bleach to remove the stains.
19. blast 爆破[例] The village was blast by enemy bombs.
20. calcium 钙
21. carbon 碳
22. catalysis 催化作用
23. caustic 腐蚀性的[例] Some chemicals are caustic by nature.
24. combination 化合组合[例] The bination of the two chemicals required plicated chemical pr
ocess./ This is bination of two powerful ingredients.
25. corrode 腐蚀[例] The metal has corroded because of rust.
26. crystal 结晶状的
27. decay 腐败[例] Sugar decays our teeth.
28. position 腐败分解
29. erode 腐蚀[例] The sea has eroded the cliff face over the years.
30. explode 使爆炸[例] The red balloon exploded when I popped it with a pin.
31. explosive 爆炸的炸药[例] Dynamite is highly explosive. / Politics can be explosive issue.
32. gasoline 汽油
33. ignite 使燃着[例] A smoldering cigarette ignited the newspapers.
34. impurity 杂质
35. iodine 碘酒
36. methane 甲烷
37. neutralize 中和[例] Alkalis neutralize acids.
38. nickel 镍
39. nitrogen 氮
40. particle 颗粒
41. polymerization 聚合
42. scorch 使褪色[例] Do not leave the iron on the delicate fabric or the heat wi
ll scorch it.
43. silicon 硅
44. sodium 钠
45. solubility 溶度溶性
46. solvent 溶解的有溶解力的
47. sulfur 硫磺
48. synthetic 综合的合成的
49. tint 上色染色
50. zinc 锌
51. solution 解答解决办法
52. rotten 腐烂的[例] The rotten fruit smelled horrible
1. production 生产产品[例] Production puters has doubled in the last few weeks.
2. saving 储蓄[例] Investment and savings are co-related.
3. investment 投资可获利的东西[例] Ten million dollars was the amount of the investment sent to China to create joint adventure.
4. expenditure 支出花费
5. c


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