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上传人:朱老师 2022/8/23 文件大小:57 KB






【中文摘要】写作1) To what extent do college English students pay attention to teacher feedback in EFL writing? Do their different language levels affect their attitudes? 2) What are the college English teachers

’ actual practices in giving feedback to students’ writing? 3) What are college English students’ expectations for teacher feedback in EFL writing? The participants of this study are 324 non-English majors from Shandong University of Finance; and the two instruments employed are questionnaire and main findings revealed through the analysis the data collected in this study are as follows:1) Chinese college English students at different levels have different attitudes towards teacher feedback in EFL writing, though they all pay much attention to teacher feedback. In terms of the extent to which learners pay attention to teacher feedback, learners at high proficiency level pay less attention to teacher feedback than those at low proficiency level do both in the preliminary and the final ) Some mismatches do exist between the actual teacher feedback and students’ preference for them. In practice, teachers choose more traditional ways to give feedback to students’writings and they pay le


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