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Future car 未来汽车.ppt

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Future car 未来汽车.ppt

上传人:dalaoban5200 2022/8/24 文件大小:298 KB


Future car 未来汽车.ppt


文档介绍:Future car
In my dream, the future car may not have a strong power or the wings. It can not fly in the sky or saiFuture car
In my dream, the future car may not have a strong power or the wings. It can not fly in the sky or sail in the sea.
But it is a intelligent friendly car. It can communicate with its drivers. And it must be safe.
The idea of a self-driving car isn't new. There are already cars on the road that can drive and park themselves.
By using lasers, radars and cameras, the cars can analyze information about their surroundings faster than a human can.
Then there are some apps aimed at fixing life's little problems.
Imagine approaching an crossroad as
another car comes. You don't see them at first, but