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隐蔽火源立体探测法在柳湾煤矿的应用 黄鹏鹏.pdf

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隐蔽火源立体探测法在柳湾煤矿的应用 黄鹏鹏.pdf

上传人:十二官 2022/8/24 文件大小:433 KB


隐蔽火源立体探测法在柳湾煤矿的应用 黄鹏鹏.pdf



文档介绍:第 卷第 期 煤 炭 技 术
41 08 in
Liuwan Coal Mine
HUANG Pengpeng, HE Qilin, LI Jinliang, LU Wei
(School of Safety Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China)
Abstract: There are many small coal mines around coal seams in Wupan area of Liuwan mine and they
cross and coexist with coal seam large number of abandoned roadways are interconnected with
the goaf, resulting in serious air leakage in the mine ventilation system, and there is a large amount of
left coal in the goaf, which leads to the full oxidation temperature of the left coal in contact with oxygen
in the air for a long time, and finally causes spontaneous combustion. In order to ensure the safety of
mine production, it is necessary to find out the location of fire area and implement effective fire
extinguishing measures. For dotted with small mines and the coal seam group interchange, resulting in
fire source position complex characteristics, puts forward radon measurement method is used to study
fire range, inoue underground goaf air leakage, adopts SF6 gas measure based on measuring radon
delineated areas for fire detecting drivage, combined with drilli


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