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博物馆 篇一
With society developing fast, more and more museums become free of visiting 。
Some peoplicity of museum items. Many people visited the Museum of Natural History as a way of entertainment and leisure. In a addition it is a place which fosters the next generation interested in learning. In the UK, France and Germanys the Museum of Natural History, there are many audiences can participate in hands-on exhibits. Some exhibits have only the problems, the audience can get the answer only by hands. My friends, a museum is a national microcosm of the history and culture, and also a microcosm of nature. Let us go into the museum to enjoy the charm of museum

博物馆免费开放的利与弊 篇三
Visiting the museum should be one of the best choices for the tourists who have never been in the place before with a limited amount of time. The amazing experience would definitely make your precious time most valuable.
On the top of that, nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum, which combines the visual entertainment, the educational experience and cultural sense altogether so well. The items on display are often organized by professional elaborately, designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged knowledge. One who only read about the lives condition