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If my mom is demon, I never had pondered over this problem. And Chen Danyan aunt takes me her the

If my mom is demon, I never had pondered over this problem. And Chen Danyan aunt takes me her the world that the Chen Miao of another world in the book vasts.
Our young hero Chen Miao vasts is again common the girl that does not pass, she has her good friend, happy domestic but be in in the accident, she discovers her mom is demon actually, come from another world. This pure girl has feared, alarmed over- , but she still can be accepted, because mom loves her very much, mom can do business of other mom impracticable. But bad is, vast in Chen Miao after knowing mom is demon, father put forward to want to divorce with mom, and, foregoing all happiness are false appearance!

Chen Miao vasts and celestial bodies of friend plum rain thinks method to prevent, but still of no help. Chen Miao vasts to know another Jing of demon mom is extremely big and secret again: Mother lives to c


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