文档介绍:Journal of Agricultural Catastrophology 2022,
济阳区短时强降水天气变化特征研究分析 extreme value changes of short-term heavy
precipitation were analyzed. The results
中图分类号: 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2022)04–0088–03 showed that: (1)In recent 11 years, the
frequency of short-time heavy precipitation
近年来,短时强降水频繁发生,强 列变化趋势的方法,通过累积距平法绘 showed an increasing trend, and the number
of days and stations with short-time heavy
降水出现的时间、落区和强度是预报中 制累积距平曲线,根据曲线的变化分析
precipitation was the largest in 2016 and 2017.
的一大难点,如何提高短时强降水的预 气象要素的具体变化过程,判断气象要
(2)1 hour precipitation≥20 mm short-term
报准确率成为短时预报中亟待解决的 素的阶段性变化,并判断出发生突变的
heavy precipitation generally appears from