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I am optimistic and cheerful, positive and studious, tthe mind and forging ahead with innovation is also a year in which my thinking, work and study have made great progress. Encouraged by the spirit of the sixteen words, I made every effort to make new progress in our work.
First, adhere to the Three Represents as the guide to action, political and ideological breakthroughs
Actively participate in various forms of political theory education, good at practice and summary. During the period from May to July, he was responsible for the ideological and political propaganda work, participating in the implementation and summary of various stages of activities, regardless of ideological or political theory level have rapid progress; later, in the study and implementation of the three The important thought of a new upsurge in the event, to seriously study and understand, and then innovation achievements, writing summary in the ** group newsletter issue 39; actively participate in the fair and decent as the main content of the tree group cadres Image to focus on learning and education activities, the completion of the various stages of the summary and rectification, political quality can be improved; also in October this year, joined the party activists to join the party before the theory of training, and ach


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