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t he has been repaying a debt, which replaced his dead son. In 此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。
t he has been repaying a debt, which replaced his dead son. In 2001, his son, Wu Jun, borrowed money from his relatives and then bought a truck to make a living from it. However, in 2020, a misfortune befall him as well as his family was involved. He died in a car accident, leaving a 4-year-old child and 19 thousand debt. On the day of bury, he cried at his son’s grave, and said, don’t worry, I will replace the debt instead of you. After that, he was in great distress over the death of his son, but still was strong and alive. However, 19 thousand debt was a really huge sum for him, so for repaying the debt, he just reclaimed all the wasteland in the mountain, the total area 52 mu and became the largest local grower. How much is the 52 muLet’s make a calculation together. Each mu is approximately equal to 666 square meters, so 52 mu is about 35 thousand square meters, and is approach to the area of 5 qualified football court. Can you imagine thatAn old man cultivated a so huge area. It means that he had to work day and night, and actually he did so. At the same time, for repaying the debt, he has been lived frugally, and the clothes he wore were all from others’. While he was still optimistic, he would ra