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上传人:杏杏铺 2022/8/31 文件大小:20 KB





The so-called work performance, that is, the work of employees in the w for stagnation. There, I also deeply appreciate the inner feelings of a marketing representative. In fact, marketing is a way of communication, communication, communication needs of their own time to grasp. As far as possible the degree of customer resentment to their own minimum, so as to seize the opportunity to let him willing to accept our products. However, we may be in the communication performance is not in place, there are reasons for self-esteem, the limitations of the above character, not allowed to grasp the rhythm, so many people do not have to communicate effectively, may communicate with only A silent flyer. With this experience, and then have their own thinking, and thus also in the Bank of the stagnation point work effectively used.

Services into a new marketing representative, training began. In addition to her basic training every afternoon outside of it, I think I am more to her in this line to pass the required professional ethics and attitude towards work. In each answering phone calls, in every reception of customers work, let her really sense of understanding their work is a kind of service nature of the work. Later, I also alone with her stationed in the Bank. A


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