摘 要
上下楼梯是普通日常生活中很平常的一种行为,在那些大量不设电梯的七层以下的住宅楼房居住的居民,尤其是那些老年人和残疾人,上下爬楼在生活上会有诸多的不便。目前无论乡镇还是城市无一不在飞速开展,其中阶梯更是根本的tical or practical application of research, both with high value.
Design innovation:
First, the appearance of such products to improve the existing, unique, design sense;
Second, give full consideration to the intended use of products designed user-friendly, safe and fortable, easy to operate products;
Third, on the up and down stairs to redefine the functions of machines, making it functional diversification: up and down stairs, climbing over obstacles and multi-functional storage items in a set of design more in line with consumer psychology, market prospects are promising;
Fourth, the full portfolio is now relatively mature domestic production of existing technologies, materials use, reduce the cost of the product in order to reduce the disabled and elderly people the burden of these vulnerable groups;
Fifth, take full account of human relations, designed with adjustable features of products, innovative style and bold.
Conducted a detailed market survey, after a design orientation, drawing sketches, renderings, three-dimensional puter model of the construction and assembly of animation, drawing out the appearance of the product dimensions, and design renderings show, pleted the design of the machine and down the stairs .
stairs, human; elderly and disable people;Relationship betweenman and machine
目 录
第1章 绪论...................................................1
第2章 设计调查与分析........................................5
第3章 草图构思与方案确定