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Introduction to IELTS Speaking Module
Good afternoon, sir
What's the most important thing you have to show your interviewer in the IELTS speaking test?
How do you show your confidence?
The most important thing you have to show your interviewer in the IELTS speaking test is the willingness to talk.
You have to let your interviewer see that you are interested in speaking English.
The IELTS examination consists of four parts.
On Saturday morning you have the listening test.
How long does the listening test last?
40 minutes.
The listening test lasts for 40 minutes including ten minutes to transfer your answers to your answer sheet.
How long does the reading test last?
60 minutes.
You have to transfer your answers at the same time you read.
You have writing test for another 60 minutes.
On Saturday afternoon, you have the speaking test.
How long does the speaking test last?
11 -- 14 minutes.
This is the shortest test among all the four tests of the IELTS examination. But it is equally important. It takes 25% of your final result.
Traditionally, we often put listening and speaking in one group.
They test your spoken English.
And reading and writing test your written English.
We also put listening and reading in one group, and writing and speaking in the other group.
Listening and reading involve the language input process.
Writing and speaking involve the language output process.
Passive English is always larger than active English.
There is always a ratio between passive and active English.
The large this number is, the better your performance is.
What we are trying to do now is to try to make your passive English active.
Understanding is one thing, expressing is quite another.
Speaking is still different from writing.
When you speak, you really have to open your mouth and move your muscles in your ans.
ans include our cheeks, lips, tongue, throat and jaw.
Speaking is not only a mental activity, but al


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