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Sleeping Beauty (睡美人)
1. I know you我认识你
2. I walked with you once upon a dream我曾经在梦境中和你一起散步
3. I know you我认识你
4. The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam你的眼神是如此的熟悉
5. Yet I know it's true我知道它是真实的
6. That visions are seldom all they seem那梦境是他们很少见到的
7. But if l know you I know what you'll do但是如果我认识你我知道你会怎么做
8. You'll love me at once你会立刻爱上我
9. The wayyou did once upon a dream你在梦里所做的
10. In a faraway land long ago...很久以前,在一块遥远的大陆上...
11. Iived a king and his fair
12. Many years had they longed for a child...很多年来他们一直渴望一个孩子...
13. and finally their wish was
14. A daughter was born, and they called her Aurora.
15. SweetAurora亲爱的奥罗拉
16. Yes, they named her after the dawn...是的,他们因她出生在黎明之后命名,
17. for she filled their lives with
18. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom...
19 .so that all of high or low estate...所有贵族和老百姓...
20. might pay homage to the infant
21. And our story begins on that most joyful
22. On thatjoyful day在最快乐的那天 thatjoyful day在最快乐的那天
24. Joyfully now to ourprincess e我们的公主带来了喜悦
25. Bringing gifts and all good wishes too也带来礼物和全部好愿望
26 .We pledge our loyalty anew我们再次保证我们的忠实
27. Hail to the Princess Aurora奥罗拉公主万岁
28. All ofher subjects adore her所有的子民都崇拜她
29. Hail to the King Hail to the Queen国王万岁皇后万岁
30. Hail to the Princess Aurora奥罗拉公主万岁
31. Health to the Princess Wealth to the Princess为公主的健康干杯为公主的财富干杯
32. L ong live the Princess Aurora奥罗拉公主万岁
33. Hail, Aurora万岁,奥罗拉
34 .Hail, Aurora万岁,奥罗拉
35. Health to the Princess Wealth to the Princess为公主的健康干杯为公主的财富干杯
36. L ong live the Princess Aurora奥罗拉公主万岁
37. Hail to the King Hail to the Queen国王万岁皇后万岁
38. Hail to the Princess Aurora奥罗拉公主万岁
39. Thus, on this great and joyous day...因而,在这个大喜的日子...
40. did all the kingdom celebrate the long-awaited royal birth.
41. And good Ki