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App epidemics Modelling the effects of publicity in a mobile app ecosystem.pdf

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App epidemics Modelling the effects of publicity in a mobile app ecosystem.pdf

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App epidemics Modelling the effects of publicity in a mobile app ecosystem.pdf



文档介绍:App Epidemics: Modelling the Effects of Publicity in a Mobile App Ecosystem
Soo Ling Lim1 and Peter J. Bentley2
1Department of Statistical Science
2Department puter Science
University College London, United Kingdom

Abstract to predict ess or failure based on past data. However, data
In mobile app ecosystems, an app can behave like a virus. Once on publicity for specific apps and resulting downloads is not
downloaded, it may cause its user to mend that app to available, and because the app prises a non-static
friends who then may download the app and “infect” other (constantly-growing) complex system, such predictions could
friends. Epidemics occur when a small number of downloads never be made with any confidence. For these reasons, we use
causes a snowballing effect that results in a massive number of an Artificial Life (Alife) agent-based model as an
downloads (and consequently, a rich developer). This paper experimental tool for this work. Alife methods have proven
presents AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile their worth with many previous simulations of ecosystems.
application ecosystems. AppEco models the app store, app In this paper, we present AppEco, an Alife model of mobile
developers, apps, users, and their behaviour. We use AppEco to app ecosystems. AppEco models developers (agents th