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ANSYS R17 拓扑优化ACT使用方法.pptx

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ANSYS R17 拓扑优化ACT使用方法.pptx

上传人:今晚不太方便 2017/8/21 文件大小:5.56 MB


ANSYS R17 拓扑优化ACT使用方法.pptx



文档介绍:ANSYS Topology Optimization ACT Extension
ANSYS Topology Optimization - Overview
ACT Application name: ANSYS Topology Optimization
ACT Application version:
Target application: WB Mechanical
patible version:
Exposes Topology Optimization capabilities in Workbench Mechanical. The optimized model can then be exported and edited in SpaceClaim to perform subsequent validation analysis, optionally import into a CAD system, and/or be sent to a 3D printer for manufacture.
Please pay attention to paragraph 9 of the CLICKWRAP SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR ACS EXTENSIONS regarding TECHNICAL ENHANCEMENTS AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT (TECS): “TECS is not included with the Program(s)”
Report any issue or provide feedback related to this app please contact:
Binary App Installation (1)
Installing from the ACT Start Page:
From the project page, select the “ACT Start Page” option
Click on “Extension Manager”
Press “+” symbol in the top right corner
It will open a file dialog to select the appropriate “*.wbex” binary file
The extension is installed
Loading the extension:
From the Extension Manager, click on your extension and choose ‘Load Extension’
The extension is loaded
The extension to be installed will be stored in the following location: %AppData%\Ansys\v170\ACT\extensions
The installation will create a folder in this location, in addition to the .wbex file
Binary App Installation (2)
Once the binary extension is installed at default location, one can move the *.wbex and the folder to any other location
Default path: %AppData%\Ansys\v170\ACT\extensions
New path: Any location on your machine, shared drive etc.
All users interested in using the extension need to include that path in their Workbench Options
In the “Tools” menu, select the “Options…”
Select “Extensions” in the pop up panel
Add the path under “Additional Extensions Folder …”
Define additional folders in which ACT will searc


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