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共 75 题
Prep2012-Pack1-SC-001 Vsc07546 EASY
The concept of the grand jury dates from the twelfth century, when Henry Ⅱ of England ordered panels mon citizens should prepare lists o f w ho were munities’ suspected criminals.
A. should prepare lists of who were munities’ suspected criminals
B. would do the preparation of lists of munities’ suspected criminals
C. preparing lists of suspected criminals in munities
D. the preparing of a list of suspected criminals in munities E. to prepare lists of suspected criminals in munities Grammatical construction
The sentence fails to use the familiar idiomatic construction ordered x to do y. The awkward who were should be omitted. A list should be followed by the elements pose it, so lists here should be followed by of suspected criminals, preventing the possible misreading of lists munities.
A. Ordered should be followed by to prepare; who were is awkward and unnecessary; lists should be
followed by suspected criminals
B. Ordered is followed by would do rather than to prepare; do the preparation is wordy; lists should be followed by suspected criminals
C. Ordered is followed by preparing rather than to prepare
D. Ordered is followed by the preparing of rather than to prepare
E. Correct. In this sentence, ordered is correctly followed by to prepare; lists is immediately followed by of suspected criminals, and placing in munities at the end prevents misreading.
The correct answer is E.
Prep2012-Pack1-SC-002 VSC07625 EASY
Efforts to the funds available to school districts, a major goal of education reformers and many states in the 1970's, has not significantly reduced the gags existing between the richest and poorest districts.
A. has not significantly reduced the gaps existing
B. has not been significant in reducing the gap that exists
C. has not made a significant reduction in the gap that exists
D. have not significantly reduced the gap that exists
E. have not been significant in a red