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About Being Professional
What does it take to be a professional? Is it about how much you know? About knowing your topic inside out? Of course it is. But it's only one part of the equation.
The other part is about using the right tools and cultivating the right habits. You won't find a five-star chef who works with a cheap knife - he knows that he will produce better results and work safer with the best tool for the job. Similarly, you won't find a professional tennis player who doesn't train his endurance - he knows that tennis isn't just about hitting the ball across .
Just the same, you won't find a top programmer, web developer, or web designer who doesn't use version control. They know that things go wrong all the time in our industry and therefore prepare. They know that collaboration must be as safe & easy as possible because teamwork is paramount in our industry. They know that, when they're working sloppy, they'll have to pay the bill in the end.
Don't mind a little bit of sweat to learn version control. It's a big step on your way to ing a better professional.
About This Book
The goal of this book is to get you started with version control and Git as quickly and easily as possible. Unlike other books about this topic, this one doesn't require a master's degree puter science to read it. It's aimed at beginners of programming, at designers, at project managers... It tries not to require too much prior knowledge on the technical side. It tries to go slowly.
That being said, Git and version control in general remain highly technical topics. I can't spare you all of this, but I'll try to explain workflows & backgrounds thoroughly and provide a lot of real-world examples.
Since es with his own, unique background, it's hard to determine mon starting point for everybody. For this reason, I have provided various basic topics in the appendix:
In case you're still unsure if you should use Git as your version control system, Appendix D: Why Git