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中国传统服饰 英语.ppt

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中国传统服饰 英语.ppt

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中国传统服饰 英语.ppt


Clothing in the early development of human society, archaic person already appeared the side of various materials can be found in the event of clothes, made for insulation. The initial human use made of fur clothing. Along with the development of agriculture, make clothing tools have simple plex, with rough hard fabric simple clothing, packed in waist belt and leaves and fur is early knurlings skirt
Let us see Chinese costume
Clothing is made of one of the basic government regulation is very strict
Qin han times, in China arid is an important stage
In addition to the general provisions qin shihuang skin the color should be followed the habit of the warring states period
After the qin dynasty, with strict otherwise political world, the founder of civilians served system mostly carries qin crown made
Rich women's clothing
The crown except sashes dynasty towards taking jacket uniforms and self-publishers outside, under general rarely wear. Unlined upper garment in song dynasty many varieties. The song dynasty women is plicated, it's portfolio mon development rooted clothing.
YuanRen with white, blue, and brown most popular. The yuan dynasty various, and man's clothing there at the difference.
Women still keep the han dynasty BeiZi costumes, jacket, cotton-padded mattress, unlined upper garment of a cloud shoulder, etc.

The Ming dynasty some men dress is mainly cover armour, Ming dynasty women skirt type change is more, is a popular costumes. The Ming dynasty garments provisions with real lady red, duck green and yellow. While general woman can only use purple green, pink and light color.