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商业道德(Business Ethics).ppt

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商业道德(Business Ethics).ppt

上传人:s1188831 2017/8/24 文件大小:997 KB


商业道德(Business Ethics).ppt


文档介绍:Business Ethics
Business Ethics: The application of ordinary human moral and ethical considerations in a business setting.
“Application”: Like medical ethics, environmental ethics, business ethics is applied ethics.
Business: any or all-economic transactions between individuals, between individuals and profit-anizations, and between profit-anizations and other anizations.
“Moral (Latin) and ethical (Greek) considerations”: How people ought to behave (to each other). Values of honesty, fairness, loyalty, justice, respect, etc.
“Morality” refers to the standards that an individual or group has about what is right and wrong conduct, good and evil, and the values embedded, fostered or pursued in the act.
Everyone knows the business is to make money for the purpose of.
Business earns more to the national capital flow more favorable of the staff at the same time also bring many benefits.
But the business must abide by business morality to make money.
Lack of business morality will bring great harm for example,damage the interests of consumer.
Destroy the petition order.
Damage the interest of the petitors.
At the same time ,serious damage to the enterprise’s own interests.
So a lack of business morality of the enterprise is difficult to survive in the society
If students want to e a essful entrepreneur, to follow the business ethics under the conditions, maximize the benefits, is a marvelous man.
while good ethics often equates to good business,
sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes being truly ethical
means giving up something you want in exchange
for doing the right thing. That's why we worry about
ethics in the first place--if it didn't cost us anything,
everyone would be ethical all the time.
Moral Standards
What distinguishes moral standards from amoral standards?
1. Moral standards deal with matters that can seriously injure or benefit human beings. . theft, rape, fraud, slander, murder.
2. The validity of moral standards rests on the adequa


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