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文档介绍:Italian cuisine
One of the most famous and interesting cuisines of the world
Gvozdeva Svetlana 8 italian group
Some national features
Italian cuisine is extremely varied (with culinary influences from Greek, Roman, Gallic, Germanic, Goth, Norman, Lombard, Frank, Turkish, Hebrew, Slavic, Arab and Chinese civilizations)
Each area has its own proud specialties, primarily at regional level, but also even at provincial level
The high priority placed on the using of fresh and seasonal produce distinguishes the cuisine of Italy from the imitations available in most other countries
20 regions- 20 regional differences
Roman cuisine (using a lot of pecorino - sheep milk cheese, and offal)
Tuscan (cooking features white beans, meat, and unsalted bread)
Piedmont and Lombardy each grow their own different kinds of rice, which are used to make risotto
Emilia-Romagna is known for lasagna and tortellini (stuffed pasta), mortadella, prosciutto, and parmigiano
The North of Italy is the home of polenta
Northern versus Southern Italian cooking
Northen Italy
more butter and creams
polenta, mascarpone, grana padano, and parmigiano cheeses, risotto, lasagna and fresh egg pasta
Southern Italy
more tomato and olive oil
mozzarella, caciocavallo, and pecorino cheeses, olive oil, and dried pasta
Traditional menu structure
antipasto - hot or cold appetizers
primo ("first course"), usually consists of a hot dish like pasta, risotto, hi, polenta or soup
secondo ("second course") usually fish or meat
contorno ("side dish") may consist of a salad or vegetables. A traditional menu features salad after the main course.
dolce ("dessert")
caffè ("coffee") (espresso)
digestivo which is liquors/liqueurs (grappa, amaro, limoncello) sometimes referred to as ammazzacaffè ("Coffee killer")
Pasta (history, types, paniments)
The legend of Marco Polo's importation of pasta from China
es in many different shapes and sizes
Pasta is served with simple tomato sauce and amatriciana and carbonara


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