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文档介绍:Culture & Cultural Identity in Cross-munication
Suya Yin • The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey • 11/17/2007
Public Speaking is a Mission
Public speaking is a mission
It is Chinese college students’ responsibility
to speak for China’s national dignity, integrity and sovereignty
Hong Kong
to contribute to the body of knowledge of mankind
International conferences
International TAships, professorships, research fellowships etc.
International speech or debate contests
to help enhance China’s friendly relations with the rest of the munity
Chinese’s ever growing tourist industry
Growing number of Chinese mainland visitors to different parts of the world
The ing 2008 Olympic Games
Public Speaking is a Challenge
Factors that impede essful munication
Struggle with correct pronunciation
Limited vocabulary
Lack of systematic training (because of shortage of instructors)
Little access to learning resources (books, audio-visual materials, native speakers of English as instructors)
Looking for short cuts, secrets to ess, the golden key to fame and fortune
Public Speaking is a Soft Skill
Soft Skills--personal values and interpersonal skills that determine a person's ability to fit into a particular structure, such as a project team, a rock group, or pany. Examples of soft skills include:
Interpersonal skills
Team spirit
Social grace
Business etiquette
Negotiation skills
“In the future, access to work will depend predominantly on the individual’s interpersonal skills, skills working and digital literacy, ability to essfully engage in critical decision making and problem solving and the ability anize and sustain flexible life and career contexts.”( Roux, 2002, p. 38)
Public Speaking is a Cultural Behavior
The culture free approach tries to identify “munication skills [that] are needed in all cultural settings.”(Boby, 1999, p. 181)
Edmond Weiss (1998) argued that universal expectations for various features munication, such as clarity and persuasivenes