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文档介绍:What is LOL?
“League of legends" was made by the Riot Games development 3D large arena multiplayer game, the team is the creator by strength strong Dota - Allstars core characters, and blizzard famous pany art, procedures, planning position, will play against Dota from platform extension to work game world. In addition to DotA game rhythm, real-time strategy, the bat outside, "hero alliance" has the characteristics of hero, automatic matching through platform, including tree, call division system, rune and other elements, for players to experience a new hero against.
My favourite hero
Ashe 寒冰射手
Ashe is athey has ZhuoDe continent's minority get frost striker title, but fervent heart. And her outstanding archery as is admirable, it is even in the most terrible environment she is still resourceful. She is good at will on the glacier tundra cold injection arrow, wrist gently move can slow the speed of the enemy. She can be in the hundreds of feet a bash, freezing the most powerful enemy. Her innate beauty, Ashe has in justice square won all the respect of others.
There, Her cruel character earned her the "unknown blade of" title, this title will pany her life. However, she because of its against DE Marcia activities of merit and famous, especially those about her and national hero calen the engagement. When she from pioneer army found the bones of the grace began, calen became petitors. When tile lorraine continental rare peace instead of the war, catalina in last paradise - hero in the league for the temperation of violence. Some people may recognize for, catalina chosen road will inevitably make her e a league hero, continue to implement the north grams of SARS will, for her noble family bring popularity.


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