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文档介绍:Market research questionnaire of Costa Coffee
The visitor:xxx
The structure of article
to write a questionnaire
reason and significance to select problem
research questionnaire of Costa Coffee
How to write a questionnaire
plete questionnaire usually be made up of the title, instructions of questionnaire,guidance to fill in the form,the main content of research and the basic condition of respondents.
Part one:The title of the questionnaire
The title of the questionnaire is to summarize research theme, so that the respondents have a general understanding of the question to be title should be concise and to the point of respondents and research theme.
For example: Market research questionnaire of Costa Coffee
Part two:Instructions of questionnaire
It general have a brief description in the beginning of the questionnaire,and is mainly to explain the research significance content and the choice of mode,in order to eliminate the tension and concerns of  questionnaire should show to concise, kind and not too casual style.
For example:(the example is in the back)
Part three:Guidance to fill in the form
We should tell the answer in the questionnaire that needs the respondents' own to fill how to fill in the questionnaire.
For example:There is no right or wrong for the answers , just to fill it according to your actual situation .The content of Questionnaire should be fill in your personal independence, if in doubt, please contact the staff around you.
Part four:The main content of research
The main content of research is questions listed according to the research  design ,and it is the main part of the survey following is steps of problems, design.
to the objective of research ,determine the required information.
 the content of the problem,namely the problem of design and selection.
the wording.
 the order of questions.
and inspection