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Unit 公司介绍.ppt

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Unit 公司介绍.ppt

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Unit 公司介绍.ppt



文档介绍:Unit pany Introduction
pany introduction an important part in establishing relationship with your potential clients?
How to choose your audience?
What kind of information you should prepare in your presentation?
Warm-up Questions
Before putting together pany presentation you should think about what the audience wants to hear. State your objective clearly and concisely. To pany information is a way to establish credibility and to make the audience fortable with pany. It is important to start your presentation precise. In the presentation make sure that your audiences can understand and remember the key point that you make. In the closing argument, it is your opportunity for a “call to action”. You summarize your point of the presentation, and ask your audience to do something.
Business Profile
Career Skills
New Words
New Words and Phrases:
Production: 生产
Logistics: 物流
Equip: 配备
Diversification: 多种经营
Antiflaming: 阻燃
Ceramic: 陶瓷
Subsidiaries: 子公司
Production capacity: 生产量
Dialogue pany Introduction
Mr. Chen: Hello, everyone. Let me introduce Mr. Blake and his colleagues to you. Mr. Blake and Ms e from pany in America. It is the first time they visit pany.
Mr. Blake: Hello, everyone. I’m Blake. We are so happy to visit pany.
Ms Sullivan: Hello, everyone. I’m Sullivan.
Mr. Chen: e to pany. First, I will briefly introduce pany. In my presentation, I aim to do three things. First I run briefly through the history of pany. Then I will tell you the main markets and product ranges and finally I will be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. (Turning on the slide)
Mr. Chen: To begin with, New pany was founded in 1992. in the establishment period, there were only 20 members, mainly managers and several workers. As is shown by this chart, the number of our employees has reached 500. In the past decade, many new department were built. By now, we have sales department, purcha


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