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文档介绍:new project manager is planning plex hardware installation project. The team consists of 13 people who are experts in their fields. The project manager does not want to micromanage the project. How far should he pose the work? 
A. As small as possible because the work plex
B. As large as possible because he is dealing with experts 
C. To 1000-hour tasks because he is dealing with experts 
D. To about 80-hour tasks because it will make the work plex 
1. 一个新项目经理正在规划一个复杂的硬件安装项目。这个团队由13名成员组成,他们都是各自领域的专家。这个项目经理不想管理此项目所有细节。他需要将工作分解到何种程度?
A. 因为项目很复杂所以要尽可能细
B. 尽可能分解的要大,因为他在与专家们合作 
C. 分解到1000小时的任务,因为他在与专家们合作 
D. 分解到80小时左右,因为这样可以减少工作复杂程度
customer wants to make a major change to the scope of work when the project is plete. The project manager should?
A. Make the change
B. Inform the customer of the impact of the change 
C. Refuse the change
D. Complain to management
2. 项目快要完成时客户想对工作范围作一大的变更。项目经理应该:

3. A client has asked you to add scope of work to the project. The project is under budget and a little ahead of schedule. What should you do? 
A. Approve the change
B. Let the client know the effects of the change on the project 
C. Ask approval from the sponsor for making the change
D. Get approval from the configuration change board
3. 客户要求你增加项目的工作范围,此项目在预算之内进度稍微提前。你应该做什么? 


project is plete. However, the customer wants to make a major change to the scope of work. The project manager should: 
A. meet with the project team to determine if this change can be made.
B. ask the customer for a description of the change.
C. explain that the change cannot be made at this point in the process.
D. inform management.
4. 项目大部分已完成,然而客户希望进行一个范围工作的大的变更,项目经理应该: 
A. 会见项目团队确定是否进行此变更
B. 请客户描述变更内容 
C. 说明在项目的这一点不能进行变更
D. 告知管理层
key attribute of validating scope is:
A. Improved cost estimates
B. Customer acceptance of project efforts 
C. Improve


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