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上传人:ipod0a 2017/9/3 文件大小:61 KB





Gain got by a lie will burn one's .
Gather ye rosebuds while ye .
Genius is nothing but labor and 。
Genius often betrays itself into great .
Gifts from enemies are ,藏危险.
Give a dog a bad name and hang ,何患无词.
Give a fool rope enough and he will hang ,愚能自傅.
Give a lark to catch a .
Give a thief rope enough and he will hang .
Give as good as one ,还治其人之身.
Give every man thine ear, but few thy .
Give hostages to .
Glory is the shadow of .
Glory, honour, wealth, and rank, such things are nothing but .
Go farther and fare .
Go for wool e home .
Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the .
God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend ,防敌靠己.
God helps those who help .
God never shuts one door but he opens .
God sends fortune to .
God sends meat and the devil sends ,劣厨乃鬼遣.
Gold will not buy 。
Gold will not buy .
Good children make glad ,父母笑.
Good counsel does no .
Good counsel es .
Good counsel es too .
Good deeds will shine as the stars of .


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