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Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English
6 学时
:Master the key words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns in the text.
:Understand the structure of the text
:Grasp the strategies for learning English
:understand the whole text, get to know the strategies for learning English
:key words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns
: Using connectives
Step 1 Lead-in: Give a brief introductory remark on “English Emerging as an international language”.(10 minutes)
Step 2 Allow students 10 minutes to examine the title and go over the text the fastest they can, and then do a True/False exercise.(20 minutes)
Step 3 In-class activities: students will be divided into groups of five to six. They are given 15 minutes to discuss in the group opportunities available on campus to learn English, . English corners, English learning resources in the library, contact with native speakers. (10 minutes)
Teaching Method: discussion, presentation
Step 4 New words reading: students are given 5 minutes to read the new words and then they will read after the teacher. (15 minutes)
Step 5 Detailed study on the text: Words, important language points and analysis on the text (100 minutes)
Words & phrases to drill: strategy, by no means, diligence, nevertheless, command, complain, at fault, at a time, frequent, constant, acquaintance, concentrate on, enlarge, in addition to, communicate, opportunity, seek out, for instance, in detail, purchase, environment, reliable, source, rely on, handle, apart from, assign, summarize, process, absorb
Language points: be bound to, commit… to memory, on a … basis, feel free to, put into practice
After learning the new words and phrases, the students are required to do some exercises (Student’s book Page 8: Exercises III Vocabulary Activities 1) as review of them.
Teaching method: explanation, exemplifica


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