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Shigongqiao Primary School
2012 年 2 月 15 日至 2011 年 3 月 30 日

Education Practice Report
ⅠPurpose and significance of the practice
Through the internship, I understand that the social practice is a good form to guide students to contact with the society, to understand the society and to integrate into the society; Also, it is a channel to develop petences; In addition to that, the social practice can enhance our ideological level like updating and absorbing new ideas and knowledge, cultivate our mind ,and foster sense of service. I learned a lot from the internship in the past two months , which have a lifelong significance. The social practice has deepened my feelings to people of all ages and social backgrounds and decreased the distance between the society and me, besides, it broadened my vision, helped me to get more knowledge and cultivated my mental toughness. The society is a big classroom where we can receive an education, the value of our life has been reflected in that broader world. What&#39;s more, the social practice has laid a solid foundation for more petition in the future.
ⅡIntroduction of the school
Founded in 1976, Shigongqiao Primary School is located in a place with varied landscape and splendid natural scenery. At present the school has a total enrollment of over 1500 students in 22 classes. There ere 127 program teaching staff, in


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