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文档介绍:《Unit 1 Life on Mars》
Learning Aims
知识目标:robot , helmets, pills, Mars
能力目标: To think about life in the future.
情感目标: To discuss the advantages of a given situation’
Main points :
To recognize and understand vocabulary about life on mars.
Difficult points:
The reason why an item would be useful or not useful on the moon.
Learning procedures:
1. 自学展示:
1、目前;此刻(2种) 2、我们自己的行星
3、变得越来越拥挤和污染 4、建造一个更好的世界_
7、研发植物______ 8、需要食物、水、空气来生存_______
2. 探究学****br/>Step 1: Warming up
: Have you ever seen any science fiction films or Have you ever read any science fiction stories?
: Have you ever “Star wars”? Do you think it’s realistic? Do you believe in aliens? Do you like this film? Why? Would you like to go into space?
3. T: Have you ever heard of Mars? Do you know what color Mars is?
Step 2: Discussion
T: What do you think life on Mars will be like?
Encourage the students to have a discussion.
Step 3: Presentation& practice
T: Daniel is thinking about what it might be like to live on Mars. He paring life on Earth to what life might be on Mars and whether Mars would be a better or worse place to live.
Ask Ss plete Part A in pairs, and encourage them to think of reasons for answers.
Step 4: Practice
T: Daniel is dreaming about camping on the moon. What should he take with?
Ask Ss plete Part B in pairs.
Ask one student to read out the name of the object in turn. Then ask Ss whether they think Daniel should take the object.
Encourage the Ss to give reasons for their answers.
Step 5: Listen &speak
(Comic strip)
Listening task: Does Eddie like life on Mars? Why? /Why not?
Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat.
Ask Ss to practice and role-play it.
1. in the form of用(以)….的形式/take the form of 采取的…..形式
2. net v. –ting
net() fish 撒网捕鱼
be caught in (n.) 陷入罗网
3. I thought 我原以为
4. get( to )my food 得到我的食物
5. car