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文档介绍:My favorite city Xiamen
Brief Introduction
Xiamen is a noted tourist port city in the Southeast coast of China.
 Xiamen has temperate weather, fast and convenient transport  munication, and  complete travel establishments. All makes Xiamen one of the  most suitable cities for investors and  tourists in China.
Xiamen and the surrounding southern Fujian countryside are the ancestral home to munities of oversea Chinese in Southeast Asia and Taiwan.
Brief Introduction
Brief Introduction
As one of the five earliest special economic zones, with heavy investment from Taiwan and Hong Kong, it has been a city growing in strength.
Population & Nationalities
The total population stood at million (10/2013).
The main nationalities: Han, Hui, Miao, Zhuang, Gaoshan and so on.
Honors of Xiamen
International Garden City
UN Habitat Scroll of Honor
China Habitat Environment Prize
China Excellent Tourism City
National Civilized City
Landscape Garden City
Scenic spot
Gulangyu Island
Xiamen University
Nanputuo Temple
Amoy Circular Road
Huli Ancient Fortress
Gulangyu Island
Gulangyu Island
With mild spring like weather all the year around, Gulangyu is reputed as "Garden on the Sea“
With largest piano density in China, Gulangyu enjoys a title " Piano Island “ and “Town of Music”
with a variety of Chinese and foreign architectural styles of buildings, it is also called “The exhibition of World Architecture”.
Sunlight Rock
This is the 
highest point
of Gulangyu
And, This is also the best place to see the sunrise and sunset.


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