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文档介绍:第 13 卷第 5 期水土保持研究 Vo l. 13 No . 5
2006 年 10 月 Research of So il and Water Co nserv atio n O ct. , 2006
程冬兵1 , 蔡崇法1 , 左长清2
( 1. 华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 武汉 430070; 2. 江西省水土保持科学研究所, 南昌 330029)
摘要: 土壤退化是全球性的重大环境问题之一, 直接威胁人类的生存。在引起土壤退化的诸因素中, 土壤侵蚀是
最普遍和最重要的因素。在前人土壤侵蚀退化研究成果的基础上简单回顾了其发展现状, 重点综述了土壤侵蚀退
化机理, 并针对性地提出了土壤侵蚀退化防治措施。
关键词: 土壤退化; 土壤侵蚀; 措施
中图分类号: S157. 1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005- 3409( 2006) 05- 0252- 03
Advances in Research of Soil Degradation by Erosion
CH ENG Do ng-bing1 , CAI Chong- fa1 , ZU O Chang-qing2
( 1. College of R esource and E nv iro nment , H uaz hong A gricultural University , W uhan 430070, China;
2. J iangx i I nstitute of Soil and W ater Conservation, N anchang 330029, China)
Abstract: Soil deg radatio n is one of the most serio us environment problems in the wo rld, which threatens the human existence
directly . A mong those facto rs w hich cause soil deg radation, soil erosion is the mo st popular and important facto r. Based o n the
predecesso rs. achiev ements of so il degradation by erosio n, the authors briefly review the develo pment status o f so il degradation
by erosion, especially in its mechanism, and then put forward the measures t o prevent and control so il erosio n pert inently.
Key words:so il deg radation; so il erosio n; measure
近几十年来, 随着世界人口的急剧增长, 耕地的日趋减永久性的) 甚至完全丧失其物理的、化学的和生物学特征的
少, 及其对土壤资源的依赖, 促使森林锐减, 草原的过度放牧