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文档介绍:Using WinMIPS64 Simulator
A Simple Tutorial
This exercise introduces WinMIPS64, a Windows based simulator of a pipelined implementation of the MIPS64 64-bit processor.
1. Starting and configuring WinMIPS64
Start WinMIPS64 from the task bar.
A window (denoted the main window) appears with seven child windows and a status line at the bottom. The seven windows are Pipeline, Code, Data, Registers, Statistics, Cycles and Terminal.
Pipeline window
This window shows a schematic representation of the five pipeline stages of the MIPS64 processor and the units for floating point operations (addition / subtraction, multiplication and division). It shows which instruction is in each stage of the pipeline.
Code window
This window shows a three column representation of the code memory, showing from left to right 1) a byte address, 2) a hex number giving the 32-bit machine code representation of the instruction, and 3) the assembly language statement. Double-left-clicking on an instruction sets or clears break-points.
Data window
This window shows the contents of data memory, byte addressable, but displayed in 64-bit chunks, as appropriate for a 64-bit processor. To edit an integer value double-left-click. To display and edit as a floating-point number, double-right-click.
Register window
This window shows the values stored in the registers. If the register is displayed in grey


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