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文档介绍:Chapter 8 The universal Hypothesis and Second Language Acquisition
Team Member: Sun Wenfang
Wang Tingbo
What is the universal Hypothesis?
The ‘universal hypothesis’ states that language acquisition is governed by the way in which natural language anized. That is, certain universal linguistic properties influence the order in which the rules of a specific language are acquired. According to the universal hypothesis, then, it is linguistic rather than general cognitive factors that determine acquisition.
Two approaches of learner processing input
1. Using general cognitive strategies which are part of their procedural knowledge and which are used in other forms of learning. These strategies are often referred to as learner strategies.
2. Using a special linguistic faculty that enables them to operate on the input data in order to discover the L2 rules in maximally efficient ways.
This linguistic faculty is referred to as Universal Grammar.(P13)
The purpose of this chapter:
The importance of study of linguistic universals.
The contents of this chapter
Linguistic Universals (Universal Grammar – typological universals)
The role of universals in L1 acquisition
The role of linguistic universals in SLA
effect on grammar formation
effect on L1 transfer
The problems of the Universal Hypothesis
Linguistic Universals
In general sense A linguistic universal is a statement that


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