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2015届高考英语总复习冲刺阶段经典课件系列突破阅读理解 (11).ppt

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2015届高考英语总复习冲刺阶段经典课件系列突破阅读理解 (11).ppt

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2015届高考英语总复习冲刺阶段经典课件系列突破阅读理解 (11).ppt



Today's word,pan,takes us back to the days of the gold rush① in California.
On January 24th,1848,a man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold in news spread rushed traveled on foot,on horseback and by boat to reach the gold 1849,the great gold rush was and cities grew overnight. Throughout California—in the mountains,along the streams and rivers—thousands of people searched for gold.
Some found areas of mountain rock thick with men got such areas were few and quickly claimed by the first men to find searched for
gold in the ing down the were after pieces of gold that the rains had washed down from above.
The only way to find this gold was by a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water.
Then he shook the pan so that the water would wash the ,he poured the water out of the he was a lucky miner, pieces of gold would remain.
Across the nation,newspapers carried stories of the gold being one hoped that the place he claimed panned out well-had some gold.
For many,gold mining did not pan a few,it panned out in time,huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a died out②.
The word,however,remained in the , Americans still say,“It panned out well,”when something they have done pleases business,a discovery,a simple event pans out well if it is ,sometimes things do not pan out.
In recent years,the word pan has taken on③ another ,it also means to it got this meaning is hard to the job of a critic④ is to sometimes pan the work of a writer,artist or singer.

①gold rush 淘金热
②die out消失
③take on雇佣;开始具有,呈现;承担
These insects can take on the colour of their 。
④critic ,批评家

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