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2015届高考英语总复习冲刺阶段经典课件系列突破阅读理解及书面表达 (3).ppt

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2015届高考英语总复习冲刺阶段经典课件系列突破阅读理解及书面表达 (3).ppt

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2015届高考英语总复习冲刺阶段经典课件系列突破阅读理解及书面表达 (3).ppt



Glory in Guangzhou
NOV 9 was a day to remember for the Chinese er world:Guangzhou Evergrande rewrote the country's two­decade er history by winning the AFC(Asian Football Confederation) Champions League final.
China last won a championship in 1990,when Liaoning lifted the trophy(奖杯)of the Asian Club time the final game against South Korea's FC Seoul ended in a 1­1 tie,but Evergrande won because of the “away goals rule”.Under this rule,the team that has scored more goals away from home gets the win if the scores are tied①.
How did China's men outplay petition even after er had e it's“painful national joke”,as The Economist put it?
Introducing a professional approach to club management and not just spending money on big­name players has been the key ② to Evergrande's ess,China Daily said.
The real estate(房地产) giant Evergrande took_over③ the Guangzhou club three years ago and immediately got to work on building a strong team.
Besides signing players from the Chinese national team,Evergrande introduced a number of international players and coaches over the past three acquired④ Argentine star Dario Conca,Brazilians Muriqui and Elkeson and Italian World­Cupwinning coach Marcello were all given huge transfer⑤ fees or paid significant wages.
However,it's not just money that makes Evergrande an excellent team.“Other Chinese clubs had also invested heavily on ‘big stars' only to find that the players could hardly score,”Jiefang Daily said.
It was the professional operation that worked ,the paper pointed Evergrande,65­year­old Lippi was given absolute(绝对的)authority over the team's new management brought a breath of fresh air to Chinese er,which has long been troubled by institutional(机构的)problems such as bureaucracy(官僚主义)and corruption(***).
“The professionalism at Evergrande...is on par with European standards,”reporter Du Rui of Beijing Youth Daily TV.
Thanks to the new system,Lippi said that all the


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