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Production: Dong Xuhang
English versions of the text pieces
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Introduction to the:
"Uncle Tom's cabin", and translated into the cabin day record ", "uncle Tom's cabin", is a famous American writer Mrs Stowe's a realistic work. Novel to depict the Christian, with lofty sacrifice spirit of slaves, Tom under unequal society system suffer their fate, to reveal the evil nature of slavery. "Uncle Tom's cabin, once published, immediately caused a strong reaction from all sectors of society, to a certain extent promoted the American anti-slavery sentiment, so as to e one of the factors leading to the American civil war broke out.
哈丽叶特·比切·斯托夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe ,1811年6月14日-1896年7月1日),著名小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的作者,1811年6月14日出生于北美一个著名的牧师家庭,1896年   去世。南北战争,即黑奴解放战争,是在19世纪60年代进行的。但从19世纪20年代起,废奴制问题就成为美国进步舆论的中心议题。当时许多著名的美国作家都站在废奴的一边,为解放黑奴而呼吁。斯托夫人便是这批废奴作家中最杰出的一位。
Author introduction:
Harriet, than cut, Harriet Beecher Stowe (Harriet Beecher Stowe, June 14, 1811 - July 1, 1896), a famous author of uncle Tom's cabin, the novel, was born on June 14, 1811 in North America in a famous family pastor, who died in 1896. The civil war, namely the emancipation war, was conducted in the 1860 s. But since the 1820 s, the abolitionist system problem es the progress the central issue of public opinion. Many of the famous American writer all stand on the side of the abolitionist, call for emancipation. Harriet Beecher stowe is this batch of one of the most outstanding abolitionist writers.
感受: 汤姆第一次被卖时,他的妻子和他的主人,都为他的离开而黯然泪下。那一刻,高贵和卑微在泪水中化为了乌有。人性的光辉在此彰显,没有地位的差别、没有种族的尊卑、没有身份的贵践,有的只是人与人之间最纯朴的惜别之情。