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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Krell, David Farrell.
The purest ofbastards : works of mourning, art, and affirmation in the thought
ofJacques Derrida / David Farrell Krell.
p. cm. - (American and European philosophy)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-271-01991-3 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 0-271-01992-1 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Derrida, Jacques. 1. Title. II. Series
194-dc21 99-32685
Copyright © 2000 The Pennsylvania State University
AlI rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Published by The Pennsylvania State University Press,
University Park, PA 16802-1003
It is the policy ofThe Pennsylvania State University Press to use acid-free paper for the first printing
of all clothbound books. Publications on uncoated stock satisfY the minimum requirements of
American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence ofPaper for Printed Library
Materials, ANSI -1992.
for louis and reiner
in memoriam
and in gratitude to Judith walz
Gut ist es, an andern sich
Zu halten. Denn keiner tragt das Leben allein.
-Holderlin, Die Titanen
List of Illustrations lX
Preface xi
Introduction: Memoria in Memoriam 1
Part One: Mourning the Work of Art
1 Broken Frames 25
2 Echo, Narcissus, Echo 49
Part Two: Mourning the Work of Philosophy
3 Mourning the Voice 85
4 Mourning UI tratranscendence 103
5 Mourning the Perfect Future 117
6 Eight Labors of Mourning 129
Part Three: Mourning Affirmation
7 KneIl 149
8 Mourning Monica, Our (M)Other 175
Conclusion: Mfirmation Without Issue 201
Notes 215
Index 231
Fig. 1. Henry Fantin-Latour, "Self-Portrait." Département des Arts
Graphiques, Louvre, Paris 53
Fig. 2. Cigoli [Ludovico Cardi] , "Narcissus." Département des Arts
Graphiques, Louvre, Paris 54
Fig. 3. Cigoli [Ludovico Cardi], sketches. Département des Arts