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上传人:追风少年 2015/3/31 文件大小:0 KB




Plant design is the most important aspects of the industrial infrastructure and technological transformation process, is the soul of the whole project. The whole process of the design including the preparation, design, construction, commissioning and trial production in factory. In detail introduced the 800 x 800 mm specifications joint workshop floor tile production line production process, has carried on the strict reasoning, to all processes are in the process of production need to choose the working principle of main equipment and selection principles for full instructions. The design is based on the instructor provided an annual output of million square meters of building porcelain process design task book basis. Include materials, host, reservoir balance calculation and the three ingredients, grinding, pulping, drying, forming, firing, packaging, and a series of processes, and general layout for the whole plant design.
This topic for ordinary building ceramics production line design, in terms of raw material choice relying on the advantage of site traffic convenience is adopted in this design using the optimization of material preparation, design a less raw materials, fuel consumption, high productivity, low cost, short payback period of investment, investment in high efficiency of the process control, this design will use advanced ceramic production equipment, technology and quality inspection way.

Key words:Glazed pottery;Balance calculation;Process design;Technolo


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