摘要: 在现代社会中,化妆品的使用越来越普及,爱美的人们天天不停地往脸上涂这个霜抹那个蜜,但是没有多少人真正知道这些化妆品的成分究竟是什么,每一种成分又在脸上起着什么作用。而随着由于使用化妆品而导致的伤害的不断增多,人们产生了诸如“什么化妆品才算得上安全”的困惑。将从化妆品安全问题出发,针对化妆品造成的一些伤害以及人们的困惑,介绍化妆品中成分,尤其是有害物质,并提出相关的判别化妆品安全的方法以及正确、安全使用化妆品的简单方法,以求化妆品带给每一个人安全、健康的美丽。
Abstract: In modern society, the use of cosmetics is ing increasingly popular, the beauty of people every day to keep the frost wiped his face painted the honey, but not many people really know what is cosmetic ingredients, each ingredient has What is the role played in the face. With the use of cosmetic damage caused by the growing number of people to produce, such as "What Makes the safety of cosmetics," the confusion. In this paper, starting from the cosmetic safety issues, some of the damage caused as well as for cosmetic confused people, presentation cosmetic ingredients, especially the harmful substances, and cosmetic safety-related discrimination and the
right way, the safe use of cosmetics easy way to make order cosmetics to everyone
safe, healthy and beautiful.
Keywords: Cosmetics beautiful green natural health hazardous chemicals