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Current Concepts in the Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
A. Altenburg, MD; C. C. Zouboulis, MD
Departments of Dermatology, Venereology, Allergology and Immunology, Dessau Medical Center, Dessau, Germany
Idiopathic aphthae are the most frequently occurring inflammatory lesions of the oral mucous membrane. Nosologically, the condition is clearly defined, but the sores are often difficult to differentiate from heterogeneously similar aphthoid ulcerations and mucosal erosions. Episodic aphthous attacks are characterized by painful lesions that range from the size of a pinhead up to several centimeters. Fibrin covered ulcerations with a hyperemic halo are typically visible on the oral mucous membrane, but they rarely appear in the genital region. Spontaneous healing is possible after many years.
Common simple aphthae, with 3-6 attacks per year, heal rapidly, are not very painful, and are restricted to the oral mucosa. They can be differentiated plex aphthae (less than 5% of aphthosis cases), which are recurrent, present with few to unusual multiple lesions, are extremely painful, heal slowly, and can also occur in the genital aphthosis requires the accurate diagnosis of a possible causal or associated condition, such as anemia, cyclic neutropenia, folic acid or iron deficiency, ulcus vulvae acutum, aphthous-like ulcerations in HIV positive patients, gastrointestinal diseases,
such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and Adamantiades-Beh?et Disease (ABD). In ABD, which represents a
malignant form of aphthosis, there is an increase in both the frequency of occurrence and severity of lesions. The diagnosis of ABD is based on several clinical criteria sets, of which the International Study Group Criteria2 are the most frequently used and the New International Criteria are the most
Dietary and General Measures Certain foods should be avoided as they appear to trigger the eruption of new aphthae and prolong the