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By Catherine Madera

Finally, it was quiet. The kids were in bed, the dishwasher was running, a second load of wash was in the dryer. At last, a moment to myself. Thank you, Lord, I thought. I get so few of these.
Sinking down at the kitchen table, I noticed some sketches lying there. Sketches that my daughter, seven-year-old Haley, was always doing. I picked them up for a closer look. Hmm.
There was a drawing of Mark, my husband, with Haley, crooked smiles on their squiggly faces. “Daddy loves me,” it read. And there was one of Haley and her brother, 12-year-old Nicholas, running through lime-green grass, a lemon-yellow sun beneath cotton-candy clouds. “Nicholas plays with me,” she wrote. Then there was a sketch of a woman with short blonde hair and sharp blue eyes, staring at a box with her hands next to it. “Mommy loves to work on puter,” it read.
I stared for a long time at that one. Until a sad feeling made me turn away. Why hadn
’t Haley shown the two of us together doing something, as she had with her father and brother? Why was I by myself, working at puter? Yes, I did a lot of work on puter. I had a part-time job that kept me busy at home-in between taking the kids to school, church and their friends’ houses. Not to mention keeping the house running, especially when Mark, a truck driver, was working long hours, often driving truck to


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