文档介绍:, , ,
668 ISSN 1007-3949 Chin J Arterioscler Vol 21 No 7 2013
·文献综述· [文章编号] 1007-3949 2013 21-07-0668-05
( 中南大学湘雅二医院心内科,湖南省长沙市 410011)
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关键词心脏康复; 康复措施; 康复模式
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[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A
The Current Situation and Progress of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
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GUO Yuan YANG Tian XU Dan-Yan and ZHAO Shui-Ping
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Department of Cardiology the Second Xiangya Hospital Central South University Changsha Hunan 410011 China
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KEY WORDS Cardiac Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Measures Rehabilitation modality
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ABSTRACT Nowadays the measures of cardiac rehabilitation are consistently updated but its utilization relatively
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lags behind especially in our country which presents a situation of clinical medicine advancing rapidly while rehabilitation
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medicine developing insufficiently. Generally speaking the benefit of cardiac rehabilitation is significant and lasting both
for the whole society and the individuals. This article analyzes the latest measures of cardiac rehabilitation and its current
developing situation.
2007 年美国心肺康复协会/美国心脏协会心脏康复的措施是综合的随着心脏康复的不
AACVPR /AHA 联合发表的《冠心病人康复及二断发展其方案也在不断拓展。心脏康复包括住院
级预防指南》中沿用了 1995 年美国公共服务中心所病人康复期 1 期康复、出院早期病人康复期 2 期