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文档介绍:Unit 3 Life in the future
Life in the future
What life will be like in the future ________ is,however,possible to use models to make forecasts about future way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends(趋势)in contemporary society.
Current trends indicate that transportation is ing cleaner,faster and transportation is already well developed in most urban areas of technology is being used to make sure that the cars,taxis,buses and trains we used do not pollute the air.
It will not be business as usual in the and consumers have already begun reforming the way they do or business done on the is ing more and more popular as people discover the advantages of online shopping.
Health and medicine
People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and remain active even in old in medical science allow us to deal with new a better understanding of the human body,scientists and physicians will be able to cure more more importantly,new discoveries in ics and biochemistry may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made.
Education and knowledge
Homework will always be homework,but the schools of the future will probably be quite different from what they are


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