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For Senior 1
16-17学年第2期总第 644期
Exploring how different Britons speak (P4)
I. Warming up
Do the students in your class speak in different dialects? Do you have any difficulty understanding their dialects? How much do you know about Britons’ dialects?
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
How many dialects do the people of the British Isles speak?
Is it difficult for people to understand each other?
II. Skimming
1. The people of the British Isles speak a range of dialects.
2. No.
III. Scanning
1. What do speakers of dialects in Britain often think of their dialects?
2. What are the characteristics of the dialects of Northern Ireland and the East End of London?
3. Why are there fewer dialects in Britain today than there were 100 or even 200 years ago?
Read the passage and answer some more questions.
Speakers of dialects in Britain are often proud of them.
1. What do speakers of dialects in Britain often think of their dialects?
III. Scanning
The dialects of Northern Ireland have a great many words that other Britons have never heard of. The words of the cockneys of the East End of London are poetic, clever and humorous.
III. Scanning
2. What are the characteristics of the dialects of Northern Ireland and the East End of London?
3. Why are there fewer dialects in Britain today than there were 100 or even 200 years ago?
The modern world and its opportunities munication have made the differences between people much smaller.
Complete the following sentence with the words or phrases in the passage.
IV. Vocabulary
pany ___________________ its achievements. (以---为自豪)
The police are investigating ________________ attacks in this area. (一系列的)
I don’t know whether this problem ___________________ to that one. (跟---相关)
Keep your office space looking good, ______________ your desk. (尤其是)
It is ___________ that something is wrong. (显然的)
is proud of
a range / series of
is related to


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