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文档介绍:河北省辛集中学 2014-2015学年高二8月开学考试英语试卷
rural environment was having a ________(积极的)effect on the children's health.
asked him to leave at once, but he stayed there without ________(行动).
walked past him without a ________(向后的)glance.
is ________(热情的)about helping others.[来源:]
Earth is only one of the numerous s in the________(宇宙).
suggestion put ________ by sounded quite reasonable.
conclusion, he has done his best and it's unfair to scold him.
is no doubt that Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers ________ his day.
was so absorbed ________ his work that he didn't notice a man slipped into his house.
is no need to say that everyone should be strict ________himself and everyone should be strict ________ his work.
be honest, I can't make sense ________ what he said just now.
________ their house in Guangzhou, they also have a house in Shenzhen.
(surprise)and________(excite), Tony stood up and accepted the prize.
pare)different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the similarities.
new programmes ________ (add)to the concert seem more attractive.
________(excite)people shouted at the top of their voice, but no one knew why they stopped all the shouting and became________ (disappoint)all at once.


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