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上传人:yzhluyin9 2017/10/25 文件大小:136 KB





关键词:企业文化企业形象 CI
Nowadays world, have already enter for an ages of cultural corporate culture fights to the market quota of the vehemence to say, is not an illusory thing any more, but a sharp-edged and matchless the CI be a kind of valid tool that creates the business enterprise image and strengthens the business enterprise image influence and improves the business enterprise management, from rise in the west after World War II, through several decades of operation, have already is prove is a strong business enterprise of a kind of function to push the business enterprise of the in the middle country face the nitric smoke of the market economy, create to make the excellent corporate culture and will be a topic that can't get around in CI design development and the expansion say, a business enterprise that have no culture, is a vulgar business enterprise, it is ducting into the CIS strategic system process lieutenant general and can'ting establish the oneself in the image in the society because of lack the special cultural quality of oneself;A business enterprise that have no image, then destine to want to fail in the we take delight in talking about to the Coca-Cola essfully, when when we believe deeply to doubt not to the prestige of the loose next electric appliances, we shouldn't forget, these essful business enterprises are exactly the model that the process lieutenant general corporate culture and the business enterprise managements bine design in the CI.
Key Words:Corporate culture Business enterprise image CI


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