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The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word
formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are
affixation, compounding and conversion. Talking about word formation patterns
means dealing with rules. But not all words which are produced by applying the rule
are acceptable. The acceptability is gained only when the word have gained an
institutional currency in the language. Therefore rules only provide a constant set of
models from which new word are created from day to day. Rules themselves are not
fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. For instance, affixes pounding
processes may e productive at one time or lose their productivity. By word
formation processes, we concentrate on productive or on productive rules. While
applying the rules, we should keep in mind that there are always exceptions. In my
opinion, the most important principle for all these rules of word formation is
Chapter 1 the function of English word formation
Word formation is an effective way to enlarge our English vocabulary.
Nowadays, more and more people have taken notice of learning English. The number of the people who begin to learn English has increased at a high speed. How
can we improve our English effectively is undoubtedly the focus of ourattention.
Generally speaking, vocabulary and grammatical rules are keys to learning English
well. Among the two aspects, vocabulary apparently plays a more important role.
ocabulary is the foundation of language. If a language learner doesn
‟t have enough vocabulary to express his or her opinions and understand other people, even if
his or her grammatical rules and pronunciations are excellent, but he can not
communicate with others well, he shouldn
‟t be a good language learner.
Under the influence of traditional teaching mode, teachers often emphasis more on
grammatical rules and pronunciations t


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