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Whether an atheist or a creationist, the most researched arguments will incline towards the same conclusion: people are inherently evil.① Creationists who hinge the existence of man on the story as told by Moses in the book of Genesis must understand that, as backed by the same book, God created both good and evil.② If the account of creation is to be believed, then the creation of evil is also to be believed as a premeditated design of the creator. Evil can then be said as created to exist with the other creations. When Adam and Eve occupied the Garden of Eden, they only had to choose between living in obedience or disobedience. In this particular case, obedience can be said to be good while disobedience is evil. If God knows everything, then he could be said to know that Adam and Eve would disobey. Why then did he not remove the evil part so they could live in obedience forever? The answer is simple: Man's evil part is his free will. Stopping a man from being inherently evil is the same as imprisoning the man.③ The level of this imprisonment does vary. Man did not e evil after eating the forbidden fruit. No, he was evil right from the dust. Man's free will is his tendency to choose evil when aware of the existence and consequences of both good and evil. What makes a man choose good ahead of evil is not his free will but things that aim to check his free will.④ These i


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