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上传人:鼠标 2023/5/23 文件大小:9 KB





  Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, my family had a big family party at home. It was a Chinese tradition that on New Year's Eve we make dumplings together and have them around midnight. Firstly, we prepared the pork mince and some vegetables for the also needed plenty of skins to make the dumplings. Some of us were making the dumpling skins, others were mixing the mince and vegetables together. All of us were enjoying the process of making dumplings and chatting with each other. Before midnight, when we heard the sound of New Year's Bell, the dumplings were ready for us to eat. It was such a wonderful night!
  Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, my family had a big family party at home. It was a Chinese tradition that on New Year's Eve we make dumplings together and have them around midnight. Firstly, we prepared the pork mince and some vegetables for the also needed plenty of skins to make the dumplings. Some of us were making the dumpling skins, others were mixing the mince and vegetables together. All of us were enjoying the process of making dumplings and chatting with each other. Before midnight, when we heard the sound of New Year's Bell, the dumplings were ready for us to eat. It was such a wonderful night!
  Our family enjoyed a wonderful New Year's evening family dinner because it is seldom to get so many relatives to get uncle,aunt and cousin,my best friend,came and had dinner with took almost whole afternoon to prepare the course,that is a chance to show my mom and my aunt's cooking also try to do something to help them,but,what we got was "going to play".It is happy for me to hear that rather than "go to do your homework".The evening dinner is so good,everyone enjoyed and aet overload to their wonderful dinner,so wonderful new year.
  There are many happy things in the Spring Festival, but the happiest thing is to eat my mother's fragrant annual dinner.
  Look, there is hen soup on the table, there are &ldquo, three thousand feet &rdquo, and braised pork legs, spicy chicken legs, red crabs and shrimps, and attractive fruit salad … &hellip.
  At this time both of us smelled the roast chicken and extended their hands to the legs of the chicken. I grabbed the right thigh, and the cousin grabbed the left leg. When the little cousin saw that he was holding a little chicken leg, he immediately shouted, "“ I want to eat big!" I ask: ” “ with what? ” “ I'm a guest. ” “ I am the master. ” I don't let it go. I don't see cousin concede loud fool: “ I am younger than you, and I want a long body. ” my face is turned to iron blue: “ you have a long body, I'm not long? Besides, the little ones should listen to the big words. ” “ cousin immediately broke out, I have to learn Chinese Pinyin, eat big memory! ” “ I stamp with rage I work more than you, I eat is to fill the body. ” finally, mother roasted a plate of chicken legs to eliminate the war between my cousin and me.
  It's a lot of fun to have a year's dinner.


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